Saturday, July 9, 2011

Calgary's taxi situation - Consultant Reports now available for download

Two Reports from Hara and Associates, about Calgary's taxi issues and what to do to address them, are now available for download (in pdf format) from the Taxi and Limousine Advisory Committee (TLAC) website.

Here is the link to that website.

Notwithstanding that it took TLAC five and seven months (respectively, for Report Phases 2 and 1) to release them to the public, these Reports provide further perspectives into the state of the industry and the regulatory conditions under which it operates.

These Reports and their recommendations will provide important input ino the larger debate to take place starting September 2011, when the same consultant will report on Calgary's City Council request about the need for an industry overhaul, though his "scoping study".

Of particular relevance is the consultant's Phase 2 Report about Performance Reporting and Standards. Voters for Taxis has consistently maintained that performance measurement and management is a public policy requirement and a critical precondition for effective management of Calgary's civic assets, namely 1411 taxi permits, on behalf of its citizens and visitors.

It is an encouraging sign that the consultant recommends steps to achieve that public policy requirement. It remains for City Council to similarly recognize that requirement and to re-establish responsibility for this important file.

Voters for Taxis will continue to press for a balanced and consumer-based public dialogue to help inform our municipal decision makers.